Earlier This year we provided full technical support and equipment for ACME Comic Con – The largest comic and games convention in Scotland.
We provided PA systems, lighting, video and staff to accommodate 4 stages of panels, talks and performances as well as the amazing Iron Girders Wrestling stage.Our range of smaller active and passive PA systems were used with great effect to run the 3 smaller stages. Performances on these stages consisted of panels, spoken word and software demos, along with a plethora of cosplay show cases and themed dance performances.
Our main stage was powered by Scotland’s own Sherman Audio who were fantastic in providing a fantastic sounding system to enhance the many musical and headline events over both days.
We provided both ambient and stage lighting for this event, adding bursts of colour and feel throughout the space as well as dedicated lighting for all stages. This we feel really took the event to the next level and added to the wonder as different cosplays were illuminated differently wherever they went. We also utilised our new large-venue HD projectors for use on the Main Stage.
This Event was staffed by a highly experienced team picked from our pool of professional freelancers that ensured that the event ran flawlessly with no technical hitches. With a mixture of dedicated sound and lighting engineers, we were able to create separate atmosphere on all the stages, giving patrons the ultimate comic convention experience while not encroaching upon all the outstanding vendor stalls.
We were honoured to be tasked with running this sensational event, which saw over 10,000 people attend and enjoy over a spectacular weekend of all things Si-Fi and wonder.